The Office of the Dean of Students provides services to assist students in being actively engaged and successful members of the Georgia State community. The services include connecting students to campus resources, facilitating students in resolving issues and complaints, highlighting the values of the university community, encouraging student involvement and addressing emergency concerns.
Faculty and staff are often in an excellent position to recognize and refer students who are experiencing personal challenges to the Office of the Dean of Students for student assistance. The Office of the Dean of Students provides consultation and support to faculty and staff regarding a wide array of issues, questions and concerns in an effort to maintain a positive, rewarding and safe educational environment for all members of the university community.
In addition to being a resource to you for student assistance, the Office of the Dean of Students provides consultation and support to faculty and staff regarding alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct, Administrative Policies including General Conduct, the Policy on Academic Honesty and for Disruptive Student Conduct in the Classroom or Other Learning Environment.
For more information or assistance, please contact us via email or phone at 404-413-1515.
Policy on Academic Honesty
As members of the academic community, students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity. The Policy on Academic Honesty assumes as a basic and minimum standard of conduct in academic matters that students be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their own efforts. The ideals of scholarship and the need for fairness require that all dishonest work be rejected as a basis for academic credit. They also require that students refrain from any and all forms of dishonorable or unethical conduct related to their academic work.
The Policy on Academic Honesty is published in the Student Code of Conduct and the Student Handbook and is available to all members of the university community. The policy represents a core value of the university, and all members of the university community are responsible for abiding by its tenets. Lack of knowledge of this policy is not an acceptable defense to any charge of academic dishonesty. Members of the academic community, students, faculty and staff, are expected to report violations of these standards of academic conduct in accordance with the procedures articulated in this Policy on Academic Honesty. You may access all of GSU's policies at catalogs.gsu.edu.
Concerns About Students
For some students, the demands and pressures of their academic experience may be overwhelming and stressful. The emotional and behavioral consequences may appear in classrooms, residence halls or departmental offices. Faculty and staff may be in a position to identify students who require additional assistance and to refer students to appropriate resources. The information below is provided to help faculty and staff with their concerns about students.
Dangerous Student:
When safety is an immediate concern because a student verbally or physically threatens to harm others or a student makes an active suicide threat, call 911 or the University Police at 404-413-3333.
Disturbing Student:
When safety is not an immediate concern yet a student threatens self harm or demonstrates bizarre or concerning behavior, please complete the referral form to get students to the appropriate resources.
Disruptive Student:
When safety is not an immediate concern yet a student is disruptive as defined by the instructor, follow the Disruptive Student Conduct in the Classroom or Other Learning Environment Policy.
Troubled Student:
When safety is not an immediate concern yet a student is very sad, highly anxious, lacks motivation or concentration, has experienced a personal or family hardship or emergency, or expresses a need for an Emergency Withdrawal from the university, complete the referral form.
Disruptive Student Conduct
Disruptive student conduct is student behavior in a classroom or other learning environment (to include both on and off campus locations), which disrupts the educational process. Disruptive class behavior for this purpose is defined by the instructor. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- verbal or physical threats
- repeated obscenities
- unreasonable interference with class discussion
- making or receiving personal phone calls, text messages or pages during class
- leaving and entering class frequently in the absence of notice to instructor of illness or other extenuating circumstances
- persisting in disruptive personal conversations with other class members
It may also be considered disruptive behavior for a student to exhibit threatening, intimidating, or other inappropriate behavior toward the instructor or classmates outside of class. If the instructor believes that the disruptive behavior poses a threat to the safety of the instructor or students, immediately contact the University Police at 404-413-3333., then submit an Incident Report to the Office of the Dean of Students as soon as possible.
Members of the faculty and staff may consult with the Office of the Dean of Students when addressing disruptive behavior in the class or other learning environment and refer to the Response to Disruption in the Classroom and the Learning Environment Guidance.
Check out this video from Chief Coleman on an Emergency vs. Non-Emergency Situation.
Email is the preferred method of communication, and email should be sent from your Georgia State student email account.
Office Locations
- AA 1400 (Alpharetta)
- Student Center East 300 (Atlanta)
- CN 1400 (Clarkston)
- SC 2130 (Decatur)
- NB 2200 (Dunwoody)
- 2N 1210 (Newton)