Conflict Resolution & Decision-Making Workshops
The Office of the Dean of Students provides Conflict Resolution as well as Decision-Making workshops for Georgia State students. Whether you are attending to enhance your skills or you are required to attend, these workshops will help you manage conflict effectively and identify ways to make better decisions.
Conflict Resolution: Conflict is inevitable. It is imperative that students are well equipped to deal with conflict appropriately. This conflict resolution workshop focuses on several key skills necessary for resolving conflict. Participants will learn about different conflict styles and methods for managing conflict, as well as how to generate helpful options. The workshop will include a guide that students can reference when they are involved in future conflicts.
Decision-Making: Identifying and understanding your values, strengths, and goals are needed in order to consistently make effective decisions. This workshop asks participants to reflect on these things in order to create a personal code of ethics statement. Participants will also gain valuable communication and conflict resolution skills, as well as tools for strategic decision-making. Students will receive student training guides that they can take with them to help them make difficult decisions in the future.
Register for a workshop in the Panther Involvement Network (PIN). In the search box, type "Making Better Moves: Decision Making Workshop" or "Conflict Resolution Workshop" to see the available workshop dates. Workshops are one-hour long.
Note: Currently, all sessions are held virtually. All participants are required to actively engage by turning on their cameras and microphones to receive credit for attending the program. If you are unable to make it to any of the available times, please email LaRonda Brewer.
Policy on Academic Honesty
The Policy on Academic Honesty, published in the Student Code of Conduct, assumes that students be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their own efforts. The ideals of scholarship and the need for fairness require that all dishonest work be rejected as a basis for academic credit. They also require that students refrain from any and all forms of dishonorable or unethical conduct related to their academic work.
The policy represents a core value of the university, and all members of the university community are responsible for abiding by its tenets. As members of the academic community, students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of intellectual and academic integrity. Lack of knowledge of this policy is not an acceptable defense to any charge of academic dishonesty. Further, students, faculty and staff, are expected to report violations of these standards of academic conduct in accordance with the procedures articulated in this policy.
Student Code of Conduct
The Georgia State Student Code of Conduct contains policies and procedures to both promote the university mission and protect the rights of students, faculty and staff. The Office of the Dean of Students is responsible for upholding the university’s established policies and procedures that comprise the Student Code of Conduct. The Student Code of Conduct articulates the types of actions that infringe upon the campus' climate of civility and the academic integrity of the university. An overarching philosophy of the student conduct process is to provide students with the opportunity to reflect upon their actions, take responsibility for the outcomes of their life and develop ethical approaches to their decision-making process. Students are obligated to be knowledgeable of and to comply with the university’s rules, policies and procedures. Students are also individually responsible for understanding and exercising their rights, fulfilling their obligations and respecting the rights of others. To access the Student Code of Conduct, please use the drop-down menu found on the GSU Catalogs page.
For more information, visit the Office of the Dean of Students in the Student Center East, Suite 300, or call 404-413-1515.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was enacted to give students access to their education records and to protect their privacy. Unless a student is legally dependent, the university is prohibited by FERPA from releasing student account information to a parent or guardian or other unauthorized third party without the student's consent.
Students who wish to authorize an individual to have access to their student records should complete the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Waiver in the Office of the Dean of Students. For more information regarding access to student records, visit the Office of the Registrar.
Hearing Boards
Students charged with violations of the code may select to participate in a formal hearing process. These hearings are conducted by either the Student Ethics and Standards Board or the Sexual Misconduct Board, depending on the type of alleged code violations.
Reporting Code of Conduct Violations
The Georgia State Student Code of Conduct contains policies and procedures to both promote the university mission and protect the rights of students, faculty and staff. Students are obligated to be knowledgeable of and to comply with the university’s rules, policies and procedures. Students are also individually responsible for understanding and exercising their rights, fulfilling their obligations and respecting the rights of others. The Student Code of Conduct articulates the types of actions that infringe upon the campus' climate of civility and the academic integrity of the university. An overarching philosophy of the student conduct process is to provide students with the opportunity to reflect upon their actions and take responsibility for the outcomes of their life and to develop ethical approaches to their decision-making process. The Student Code of Conduct can be found within the Student Handbook.
Members of the university community who believe a student violation of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred should submit an Incident Report to the Office of the Dean of Students located in Student Center East, Suite 300. The complaint must state sufficient facts, including specific name(s), date(s), location(s) and description(s) of the alleged act(s) of misconduct to enable the Dean of Students to decide whether further fact finding is necessary.
Reporting a Policy on Academic Honesty Violation
Reporting on Sexual Misconduct
University Report:
Sexual misconduct by members of the university community should be immediately reported to one of Georgia State’s Title IX coordinators as described below:
- Sexual Misconduct by students should be reported to:
Office of Equity & Civil Rights Compliance
One Park Place, Suite 527
Incident Report Form - Sexual Misconduct by faculty or staff should be reported to:
Office of Equity & Civil Rights Compliance
One Park Place, Suite 527
Report Here
Reporting Hazing Violations
A copy of the most current Student Code of Conduct may be accessed online within the Student Handbook. For more information, visit the Office of the Dean of Students in Student Center East, Suite 300, or call 404-413-1515.
Student Ethics and Standards Board
The Student Ethics and Standards Board (SESB) exists to uphold the standards of the Georgia State community by providing peer adjudication of alleged student violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
When the SESB is selected as a student’s hearing route, a SESB Hearing Panel will review all of the information presented and will respond fairly and effectively to alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct. The Hearing Panel makes recommendations to the Dean of Students. The SESB may not hear cases of alleged violations of the Policy on Academic Honesty and the Sexual Misconduct Policy. The SESB receives yearly training on adjudicating a conduct case and strives to protect the Georgia State community while assisting with the student’s personal growth. You may access all of GSU's policies at
- Currently enrolled Georgia State student (undergraduate, graduate or professional)
- 2.5 or better grade point average at the time of appointment.
- Completed thirty semester credit hours (Atlanta) and 12 semester credit hours (Perimeter) at any institution.
- Registered for a minimum of 6 credit hours if undergraduate (Atlanta).
- Is in good disciplinary standing.
- No current or prior violations of the Code.
Time Commitment
- Attend bimonthly SESB and committee meetings.
- Participate in spring and fall semester trainings.
- Serve on hearing panels for conduct cases when requested.
- Implement and attend workshops throughout the semester.
- Attend bimonthly SESB and committee meetings.
- Participate in spring and fall semester trainings.
- Serve on hearing panels for conduct cases when requested.
- Implement and attend workshops throughout the semester.
Student Organization Hearings
As outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, results of hearing boards involving student organizations are made public through the Office of the Dean of Students website. You may access all of GSU's policies at
Hearing Results
Student Organization Hearing Results:
October 14, 2011 Pi Kappa Alpha
June 4, 2010 Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
January 29, 2010 Lambda Theta Alpha
November 10, 2006 Pi Kappa Alpha
January 14, 2005 Sigma Gamma Rho
August 17, 2004 Black Student Alliance Update
August 17, 2004 Pi Kappa Alpha Update
Upcoming Hearings
No Hazing @ State
At Georgia State, we are committed to providing a safe educational environment for our students and student organizations. As outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, hazing is a violation of state law and is strictly prohibited by Georgia State both on and off campus. Violation of this policy may result in both disciplinary action and criminal charges.
In compliance with the Georgia SB 85 "Max Gruver Act", beginning July 1, 2021 Georgia State will publicly disclose administrative adjudication of hazing or hazing related convictions. The law requires that institutions establish policies to facilitate the:
(1) Reporting, investigation, provision of due process, and administrative adjudication of alleged incidents of hazing as related to students and student organizations; and
(2) Public disclosure of administrative adjudications of hazing or hazing related convictions within 15 calendar days of final adjudication or public notice of criminal conviction and remain posted for a period of no less than five years.
Below is the Hazing Policy, Prevention and Education information, a description of the specific hazing related findings, sanctions, adjudications, and convictions for any person or school organization. Public disclosure shall not include the personal identifying information of any individual student and shall be subject to the requirements of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Hazing Policy
Prevention and Education
Upcoming Events
The Georgia SB 85 "Max Gruver Act" was named after Max Gruver, an 18-year-old fraternity pledge who died in 2017 from an alcohol-related hazing incident. Join us on Wednesday, September 22 as we welcome Max Gruver's parents, Stephen and Rae Ann Gruver for National Hazing Prevention Week and Campus Safety Month. RSVP in PIN.
Dean's Certification
What is a Dean's Certification?
A Dean’s Certification is a letter commonly requested by third parties for a variety of reasons (e.g., transferring to another institution, admission to graduate/professional programs, state bar associations, government agencies, and for certain forms of employment) to determine whether a student (past or current) has a disciplinary record(s) on file with the Office of the Dean of Students.
What Information will be Released?
Information about released information can be found here.
How do I Request a Dean's Certification?
A request for a Dean’s Certification Letter is submitted Dean's Certification Online Form and is typically completed by the student who as part of the request process gives consent for GSU to release the information to a third party. However, some requests are received directly from third parties using uploaded verification forms that include the student’s signature granting permission for the release of information. For more information, please email the Office of the Dean of Students.
When requesting your Dean's Certification Online Form, please attach any accompanying forms from the institutions for which you are requesting Dean's Certification. Please note that your forms must be signed and dated before any information can be released.
Please include the following information with your form:
- Your full name while attending Georgia State
- Panther ID number (or date of birth if you do not remember your Panther ID)
- Phone number and email address
- The form from the institution you are requesting information for
- An email address or physical address for where the form should go
- Your signature and date on the form (this is your permission to release the information). Note: The form cannot be submitted blank or processed without your signature.
What is the timeframe?
It will take approximately 1-2 weeks to complete the certification forms and get them emailed or sent postal mail to the institution requesting the information.
If you have any questions about this process, please email the Office of the Dean of Students or call 404-413-1515 during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Email is the preferred method of communication, and email should be sent from your Georgia State student email account.
Office Locations
- AA 1400 (Alpharetta)
- Student Center East 300 (Atlanta)
- CN 1400 (Clarkston)
- SC 2130 (Decatur)
- NB 2200 (Dunwoody)
- 2N 1210 (Newton)